Why Is It Called a “Session” Mead

As you explore our meads, you’re going to run into lots of titles… Signature, barrel-aged, seasonal, session… They all mean something, but it’s helpful to know what a session mead (or beer) is and why it’s different than a regular mead. The term session refers to the alcohol content of the drink and has it’s roots in beer brewing.

Typically, a session brew has about half the normal alcohol content to a regular brew. It is designed in a way that one can drink quite a bit of it without feeling the effects or becoming intoxicated. The term goes back to British drinking habits and describes a drinking “session” that might include 6-8 pints.

For a beer, a session is between 3-5%, but for a mead a session is still almost 6.5%. Though half our normal ABV (alcohol by volume) it is still pretty strong beverage. The benefit of the session, however, is that you can try a lot more options and enjoy a larger pour than you normally would.

So, if you’re responsible visit is typically a 2-3 pour visit of our Signature meads, you could enjoy 4-6 pours of our session meads. Think of “session” as shorthand for lower alcohol. If you enjoy trying many, many options, sessions are for you.

We also offer two types of session. Sparkling and still. Each has it’s place and character and, depending on what you enjoy, you may prefer one over the other. For sparkling, our best selling signature has been Mints of Persia. A strong minty flavor with an effervescent feeling. If you prefer a still mead, you might try Lemonage a Trois, a lemon blueberry mead that has a very strong body. You could always just try a flight of five, and see what you enjoy.

Creating session meads is a bit faster than our Signature meads, allowing us to do more trial and error. Sometimes, a session is so successful that it becomes a standard on the menu. But, just as often, we will cycle in and out different sessions depending on the time of year.

Our session meads are only available in the tap room - never bottled. You can certainly enjoy them as a pour, but you can also take them home in a growler. You just won’t find them in bottle shops like our Signature labels.

Focus on the ABV
Besides variety and selection, session is all about alcohol content. If you know you want to try a lot, we suggest focusing on the session meads. And, of course, drink responsibly.

Eric Berrios