How to Explain Mead to Your Friends

First of all… It’s mead, not meat.
As much as we might want one, there is no such thing as a meatery.

This is, surprisingly, the first hurdle and may take a few tries. Once you get over that, though, you still have to describe what mead is, what it’s like and what to expect. Let’s start off with the basic assumptions, assuming they’ve heard of it:

“Mead.. that really sweet stuff they have at Renaissance festivals, right?”

“It’s like… a super sweet wine?”

“Game of thrones… that’s all I know”

Those are all terrible examples and you have your work cut out for you. You can power through this. You could take a few different approaches, depending on who you’re talking to. Remember, you’re trying to explain an experience to someone… it’s like trying to explain a color. It might help to think about what your friend will care about.

Your Logical Friend
It’s a brew made from honey, yeast and water. Some call it honeywine, but it’s not sweet like honey or even a wine. It’s an alcoholic drink that is very light, smooth and semi-sweet. It can also have fruit and berry flavors… It’s not syrupy or too sweet. Typically, about 11% alcohol - which is quite a kick. If you like cider, you’d love mead.
You have to try this….

Your Experimental Friend
This is the next thing. Remember when West Coast IPAs were a big thing and suddenly everyone was trying them? It’s like that. Mead is way ahead of the curve and truly a unique taste. Think… light, clean, crisp… then throw in your favorite fruit flavors. Picture cranberries, blueberries, peaches, cherries… anything you can imagine! If you want to get away from the same old things, mead is going to be it.
You have to try this….

Your Lover
This is where the term Honeymoon comes from! A newlywed couple would get enough mead to keep them loaded for a month. Not saying this made a lot of kids, but I’m not NOT saying that either. There is nothing more romantic than a bottle of mead under the stars.
You have to try this….

Your Distracted Friend
Yes, it’s made with honey. No, it’s not as sweet as you think. Yes, it is high in alcohol. I dunno, man, like 18 different kinds? Light. Refreshing.
Look, just try this...

Your Healthy Friend
You know how wine gives you a headache and beer makes you feel bloated? Mead is so much better. It’s all-natural, gluten free, made with local honey. You sip it, not quaff it. This is the go-to alcohol if you want to get closer to nature. That means supporting honeybees. You don’t hate the honeybees, right?
You have to try this….

Your History Channel Friend
Mead is the oldest alcoholic beverage known to mankind. Every culture discovered mead, independently, which is pretty amazing. It was the adult beverage for millennia, until agricultural societies took over and grain became easier and cheaper to ferment. But mead was the original. It’s like taking a walk through your history.
Just water, honey and yeast… that’s all it takes. After that, you can flavor it with all sorts of things. Not as sweet as you think, and a lot smoother.
You have to try this….

Whether they like sweet or dry, there is a mead for everyone. We’re on a mission to bring mead back to the table, helping everyone we know to reconnect with their roots and keep the ancient art alive. We think our meads are the best, but we encourage you to explore ALL meads. Treat yourself to something that has been a tradition for thousands and thousands of years and hasn’t changed. Water, honey and yeast… There is nothing more pure.

We hope this helps… It’s not easy, but we believe in you. Mead is a journey and we’re glad you’re on it with us.

Eric Berrios